Friday, June 6, 2008


e-Learning can be very widely interpreted. To consider e-Learning as any involvement of electronics in learning is too wide. That means that using pocket calculators, computer assisted learning, computer based learning, the Internet, web-based learning, simulations, drill and practice on computers and much more are all included.

Traditionally e-learning was associated with web-based learning, more specific where a learning management system is used. It was also considered to be a distance education application.

Blended learning started to take off and now e-learning is also part and parcel of normal campus lecturing.

e-Learning in this context can therefore be considered to be a learning experience that has a mainly web-based learning part managed by a learning management system.

Do you agree?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My previous experience in using ICT's in schools and my present occupation at an university to manage eLearning culminated into my latest interest - using eLearning in schools.

I believed for very long that school children are not ready for using eLearning. They do not have enough discipline to study on their own, or they will get bored after the first hype went over. I am believing now that our children are ready - they are e-natives - feeling much more at home in front of a computer connected to the Internet.

I really would like some participation from other educators and academics, specially from countries like the UK, Australia, Nieu-Zeeland, Canada and the USA. What are you doing in this field? What results do you have? Does it work?

Keep connected and let us share some ideas.